Parenting is a difficult job. It’s okay to need some help along the way.

Nothing feels worse than watching your child struggle and feeling unable to help them. You are not alone! Parenting counselling can help you build the structure and leadership skills required to make life easier and more gratifying for your entire family. Learn strategies to help your child navigate through developmental or temperamental issues, situational challenges, and life transitions. 

My promise to you is that the results of engaging in parenting counselling will be rewarding. Not only will you be able to reduce conflict, but you will feel once again that you are the leader of your family.


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Oppositional Defiant Disorder

Is your child or teen angry, irritable and responding to you and other adults with defiance or even vindictiveness? While it is normal for youth to go through phases of defiance and changes in temperament over the course of their development, if this behaviour is intense and persistent they may have ODD.

Signs of ODD

  • Angry, irritable mood with frequent losses of temper

  • Argues with adults or authority figures at home or school

  • Blames others for the consequences of their misbehaviour

  • Intentionally upsets others

I can help you acquire the tools to effectively manage and nurture a child with ODD. You will learn how to renew your role as leader of your family and set clear boundaries that will improve both you and your child's life.

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Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder

ADHD is a known disorder marked by difficulty maintaining attention and impulsivity. Individuals with ADD/ADHD are often intelligent, creative and curious but can lack the skills to navigate daily life.

Signs of ADHD

  • Impulsiveness

  • Disorganization, difficulty managing time and prioritizing tasks

  • Trouble focusing, restlessness, and excessive activity

  • Easily frustrated and reactive

Learn how to teach your child more effective ways to solve problems, handle frustrations and organize their daily life into manageable segments.


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Adolescents and Teens

The teen years often bring about changes in behaviour and family dynamics. During this time, parents are often challenged as their children may refuse to follow rules, act out or sulk in their rooms. Parents may be alarmed, hurt or impatient with their teens behaviours while,not  always being aware that their , teens are going through immense physical and psychological changes that impact their mood and decision making abilities. 

Parenting counselling can help provide the perspective needed to not only set clear boundaries and limits with your teen, but to deepen your understanding of them and to create a relationship built on mutual respect. Learn how to set boundaries while building a trusting and loving relationship with your child, so that your home life is more peaceful for the entire family.


 “Our children need our love most when they deserve it the least.”

- Elizabeth Lesser

Become the parent you want to be.